2112 The Doomsday prophecy


The Doomsday prophecy has been a staple of every major religion at one point or another. But prophecy relies heavily on interpretation. Because prophecy is ambigous in nature it is very hard to pin down. Psychics and Remote Viewers offer us a glimpse of why this is so. They explain that events are seen in a way that is outside of our linear (TIME) models. Science tells us that time is a man made instrument so this concept is consistent with that perspective. Psychic events are generally picked up by spikes in emotional consciousness. These events show up as blips on the radar of those who have access to this source of information.

One of the most interesting aspects of the 2012 date is the Convergence of so many markers (SIGNS) that have been lacking in previous END TIME scenarios. 12-21-2012 does represent a specific date at which a specific event is expected outside of just prophecy. The rising of the Winter Solstice Sun in alignment with the center of the Galaxy. This is a highly significant Astronomical event that takes place only once every 25,771 years.

There is a dark area in the Milky Way very near the Galactic Center. This is because interstellar dust obscures the light from the stars at the center of the Galaxy. This creates a blind spot that is commonly called the "Dark Rift". That is what Science tells us not speculation. Now onto the speculation.

The Mayans knew of this "Dark Rift" they called it the Black Road which is appropriate enough. They believed this to be the entr/exit (WINDOW) point where the Kings passed to and from death. This Nexus point actually translates in the Mayan tongue to "Black Hole" a very interesting "coincidence" that modern Science uses the same verbiage as well as having come to the same findings. This is only one of many. In the Cookbook we go into detail about the Hopi prophecies of the final World. We actually found a very specific prophecy that in action and in EXACT verbiage used by American officials may signify our entering this final World.

Another source that supports the 2012 date is the I-Ching (That ancient divinatory resource of the Chinese). In his research into the I-Ching Peter McKenna discovered a pattern he calls Timewave Zero. It was only after his studies were complete and he had came up with a date of November 7th, 2012 did he learn of the Mayan prophecy only a couple of weeks later. McKenna uses fractal resonance which seems to support his findings however this methodology is controversial. But the idea of a Universe folding in upon itself and time (REALITY) realigning follows the Mayan's(and other indigenous folk's) concept of cyclical time as well as the point of Singularity model used by Science.

The Web-Bot program offers us a whole other set of mechanics in predicting 2012 with the same result. This Method is based in the world of High Technology and Statistical Probability. Essentially (and this is also directly tied to Hopi prophecy in both concept and verbiage)mini-programs (SPIDERS) are sent out across the internet/world wide (WEB) and record data. Originally designed to predict stocks the program has evolved into something of a digital prophet. Using the data this program generates Web-Bot predicts future events, and they do it well. They predicted the Tsunami of 2005, several Earthquakes and a "World Changing Event" in September of 2001 (9/11).

Science also establishes the fact that Cosmic Radiation and Tectonic Activity (on Pacific Rim and the New Madrid)are increasing. We may be facing a New Ice Age (we are overdue by around 3000 years), and we are in a prominent solar flare cycle. Then there are the usual suspect flashpoints Poltics, Weather Patterns, Religion and so on. Hindu's and Buddhists are tuned into the 2012 date mostly concerned with Cosmic Consciousness. Christianity and Islam are in thier normal Apocalyptic mode and the Jewish folk have a prefabricated Temple and Albino calf ready for sacrafice in preparation for END TIMES.

While we cannot embrace any world-view that requires the destruction of the world in order to purify it or to move into the next world (ie HEAVEN) it would be unwise to completely ignore all these points of convergence. We do so at our own possible peril. The other side is that we have a unique opportunity to springboard ourselves into a new exisistence. But the choice is ultimately ours. Heaven or Hell. Sage or Savage. So for our part we wish you Peace and Love.