Synopsis of 2012 The Paranormal Cookbook

As we race towards 2012, uncertainty is at an all time high. Events in politics, the weather, economics and religion all point toward an apocalyptic conclusion. What will happen ? Will humanity melt into the twilight? The Cookbook presents a new understanding of the nature of reality.


*The perfect storm of 2012

*Quantum Physics, Observer effect and the interactive universe

*Signs, symbolism and synchronicity

*The new model of enviromental archetypes in hauntings

*A profile of BEK's (Black-eyed-kids)

*The curse of the Joker and the return of Phantom Clowns

*Tulpas, Phillip the ghost and other projected thought-forms

*The Occult werewolf theory

*The trail of the "Hellhound of the Ozarks "

and much more.....

The Cookbook offers new philosopical perspective as well as practical tips for paranormal investigators in the field to obtain better results in apturing paranormal phenomena on flm. An instant classic and neccessity as we face the brave new world of 2012.